Thursday, August 23, 2012

Things I heard this week and things I didn't hear

This week- I didn't hear, "YES! I have been praying and I would like to be the treasurer."
This week I heard my fourth - No-- as I seek to replace a treasurer.  

But tonight I heard- my four year old say:
"Mommy- read MORE books!"
Mommy tuck me in more!"
 Mommy stay and snuggle with me." 

Tonight my 5 year old said as we folded and put away clothes-- (at 9:30 :((( so looking forward to a rhythm of bedtime)
"Mommy I love helping!
Mommy - we're doing chores!
Mommy!  Sophia will be so excited to see her drawers all done and she will be so joyful!"

I heard a lot of whining and complaining and meltdowns this week--
most of them were from my children :) 

This week I heard a lot of positive feedback from my congregation.

This week I learned a lot- and stepped into some messy history....

This week while working with the Finance team we saved the church $1000 by cutting ineffective advertising....
 that felt really good

This week I was excited to share that more people are coming back to church.

This week I heard and was confronted with the reality we aren't and will likely not be able to pay all our apportionments.

This week I was able to book a bouncy house for our Fall Kick Off because of the extravagant generosity of one a member.  I will be able to also get supplies for our Clean Up day because of their gift as well.  

This week I heard my husband tell me multiple times, "I love you."   "God is working it out."

This week I prayed with friends multiple times who acknowledged, affirmed, and assured ,
"Yes, Ministry is Hard.  But You are called."
One wise clergywoman friend said, "Ministry is hard, the only thing harder is parenting- and you're doing both."  That really helped.  (Perspective, especially perspective from others who have been there and are there-- priceless)

This week I received encouraging texts that really kept me going.

This week I heard in the stillness of tears, the beautiful stained glass of our sanctuary, and presence of the Holy-- "I am here- and We will do this work together."

This week I was greatly encouraged as I talked with church leaders.  I said, "I am thankful for you"  They said, "I am thankful for you."

This week I had to say and do some hard things.  
And I survived.
And it worked out.
And I praised God.

My Mom said to me this week with such kindness and encouragement and a big hug, "Do your best and God will do the rest."  Yes- I need the reminder. And to know- it may not look like I think or want and it may not all get done and fixed and together right away-- but God is working and I am working and we are all working-- and as Julian said, "All will be well and all will be well and all matter of things will be well." 

This week I heard "Thank you" and "God Bless you" as our church kept one family from eviction and another family's water on.

This week I said to God--- "This burden feels so heavy. "

And I heard God say to me,
 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30).

Reflection on an Unproductive Day and the need for Rest

  I am not a machine.  I am not capable of going and going and going.  I usually don't take Monday off because I'm too tired for it ...