Thursday, April 18, 2013

Call to Worship for Prayer

I wrote this call to worship for Sunday-- I preached on Prayer and I taught the kids about ACTS- Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication-- so I wrote the Call to Worship to go with it!

Leader: We are here Lord to adore you!
People: We raise our hands in praise to you!
Leader: We come confessing our sin and laying our brokenness before you.
People: We bow washed in your forgiveness and made whole in your steadfast love!
Leader: We are here Lord to give you thanks!
People: We kneel offering ourselves with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness!
Leader: We come seeking you God, with our prayers and supplication.
People: Lord, You always hear our pleas and we pray that we may hear you this day!

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